Apology Ordinance

Many people regard “sorry” as the hardest word to say, yet it has been proven to be effective in helping settle disputes. Yet, overcoming the emotional barrier to utter the…

Application of Hong Kong law is no Panacea

In the ever increasing commercial intercourses between Hong Kong and Mainland China, many of the related agreements are governed by Hong Kong law instead of the PRC law, despite that…

“It is not illegal, but still wrong”

Recently, a video clip about Chinese “daigous’ snapping up baby formula in Coles has gone viral in various online social media. The conducts of such daigous obviously infuriated local Aussies,…

玛瑞瓦禁制令 – 跨境訴訟的脈衝彈

在現代的軍事上,脈衝炸彈的作用及威力無庸置疑。它可以瞬間癱瘓敵人的電子設備,使敵人喪失作戰能力。在普通法地區,馬瑞亞禁制令(Mareva Injunction)的作用實在與脈衝彈有異曲同工之妙, 因為其性質其實是一個資產凍結令 。